Monday, July 16, 2007

Approach to Reality - A Whole New Design

'There seems to be a framework -a structure...a whole new design for life and inner development...moving into manifestation immediately ahead of us in time...filtering already through an intermediary strata to specially selected points. Every detail pre-planned; originating from above to below... not in linear time at all... thus superseding our planetary laws of cause and effect. And absolutely nothing can stop it... its already there, out of range of our vision, but as real and solid as life itself. How it will manifest I can only surmise...

...A new force, or influence, is reaching us - coded to produce precise results that will supersede the old modes of development - almost a forced process which will have effects unique in world history as we know it...

...A stepping-up of transformative force must cause resistance...and in this respect, the animal kingdom and all natural life will fare much better than humanity - having followed its own instinctive laws without deviation... influx of beings of a higher development than man, born into human bodies for preordained reasons - one of which perhaps is to 'burn up' or transmute at a vastly higher rate the 'effects' created by the mass of men, which obstruct their own progression towards their true destiny.'

From Approach to Reality by A.J. Peterson

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