Monday, July 23, 2007

Approach to Reality - More of the New Design

I was aware of other, cosmical intelligences, far more evolved than my own. These Beings should not be confused with spacemen, or Supermen - they have evolved beyond all planetary form; and I was merely one pupil amongst many, all undergoing some manner of quickening and applied stimulus. Mankind is a cradle, or chrysalis, in which such potential exists as a possibility, or in an embryonic latency.

In this state I perceived a vast act of direct intervention in the life of mankind, like a realignment with the source of all manifestation, which necessitated the prior removal of an obstruction to its correct development. This occurrence coincided with the release of a fresh inflow of magnetic influences, also a stepping-up of vibrationary pressure, like entering a more powerful force-field, or submission to a forced process of growth - designed to produce an evolutionary 'leap'. But it all happened in the dimension of the higher Self, and has not yet externalised into our world of linear time, though its foreshadowings are already apparent.

From Approach to Reality

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