Saturday, October 15, 2005


Here are some numbers which may help to put the World’s situation into perspective.

"An amazing 25% of people in the World under the age of 25, live in India. In fact, 50% of India’s total population is under 25 and 80% is under 45.

If we set the World’s population at 100, there are nearly 60 Asians, 21 Europeans and only 4 Americans. Out of the 100, 70 are not white, 70 are non Christian and 80 live in sub-human conditions. Only 25 have food, clothing and a roof over their head, 1 has a computer, 1 has a university education and 70 can’t read and whilst we can invest in a wide range of markets, 92 can’t. The bottom line is that if you have money in the bank or in your wallet you are among the 8% of richest people on the planet and, based on the bigger picture, that’s something we should all be thankful for."

This came via a financial report that I came across whilst being somewhere I shouldn't.

Lord - why can't cats cure our economics?

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