Monday, June 15, 2009

Do You?

‘Nanotech, biotech, artificial intelligence, smart cards, embedded chips, smart dust, fragmentation of humans into consumer, patient, voter, worker roles for sorting by government and corporation: all of these together spell the end of the human in ways we can't entirely grasp, much less control. Are we human? Are we bionic free agents? Are we cogs in the machine?’

What do you want?

What do you love?

Do you love?

Welcome to the Machine


Angela said...

A (large?) portion of the population is undoubtedly evolving towards this 'collective' and highly technological society that seems less authentically human, perhaps most of these without even realizing.

Others seem to be aware of this and are rejecting it, instead searching for their true natures - this, is where love enters in, I believe. It is a skill to hone, that of focusing on this love while the rest of the world goes automaton.

Anonymous said...

A (large?) portion of the population is undoubtedly evolving towards this 'collective' and highly technological society that seems less authentically human, perhaps most of these without even realizing.

how will it be to live in a place so controlled it will be as living an a controlled PAST, a repeat of a recorded past life. a controlled rat in a controlled cage.