Saturday, September 01, 2007

Always Be In Love

An old Persian tale:

Once upon a time, a fish that was a bird up to the waist fell in love with a bird that was a fish down to the waist. Therefore the fish-bird told the bird-fish:

'We have been created in a way we'll never be able to live together: you in the wind and I in the waves. What a pity for both of us!'

'No, how lucky we are', said the bird-fish, 'as we'll always be in love because we'll always be separated'


Anonymous said...

It's a tale of an amazing beauty!!
That reminds me something I read ( I do not know the exact words in English ): Two stones cannot occupy the same place, but two fragrances yes.

Kingsley said...

Thank You.

I like your comment on 'fragrances'... the fragrance of Meetingness....

Kay said...

Hi Kingsley (or Denis), this is Kay from India...remember? Well, i am impressed with your blogsite - especially this tale which stirred me beyond words, almost shook my insides in a manner such that i sat up.
You write beautifully. I've just opened my own blog (Whister's Safari)...building it bit by bit. Do take a peek. Keep up the good work. affectionately Kamalini but Kay to friends

Kingsley said...

Hi Kamalina (Kay) - lovely to hear from you and to 'see' you on my blog - thank you for your comments

Will come and visit you...
