Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Days of Return

On 'home' soil again, after the wayfarer travels... was good to visit some of the old favourite places again. To pay respects, and to pass through. Moving on with enough space to visit places of past retreat - yet there is no room for nostalgia; for our Way is forward.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Silence for a while

I leave now for a couple of weeks away from my desktop...

Roaming through some of my old territory; through the streets of Istanbul...

Soaring through the spirit of the Semazens...

So this site will be quiet for a while... silence for a while, breezy and deep...

Monday, July 03, 2006

Silence is precious

One of the most precious commodities in this life is something just as hard to fight for as other precious requirements: the need for silence. The need to still the mind.

As I attempt to sit, daily, and clear my mind of everyday chatter, thoughts, clatter & clutter I realise what primal energies I am attempting to quell...

The world is awash with noise...its so hard to be alone with oneself... to learn about the world from inner spaces...

Perhaps this is a conspiracy against the spirit...?

Keep the spirit tangled up in knots of noise and non-coherence - so a daily dose of quiet time is something I feel I'm needing more and more.

Silence is precious